Group Photo
AJ, Kyle, Me, and Doug
Photo courtesy of ShootinBricks

CD Art Work

CD cover Back CD Insert CD image Alternate CD cover
This is the art work for the CD we handed out at Brickfest. It is entitled M3 for the main three titles by Doug and I: Midnight Ride, Metro, and Macabre Manor. The black cover was my original intent with the background from the end of Metro. Printer problems stopped me from making it - plus to buy some more CD labels-Expensive! So I ended up going with a simple M3 on a white square for a front insert. The back of the CD has both our logos and a large cube (M cubed) with the titles of our films on the vertices. The Horror Contest announcement with the original skull is on top of the cube. This was a Brickfest Exclusive for 2002. Only 20 were made. All were handed out.

Name Badge 2080

Name Badge 2080 WINNER! Nestle rabbit
When you register for Brickfest, you get a name tag with your name, state, animation affiliation, and the obligatory Brickfest 2002 brick. All the bricks come apart, so it would be nice to put them in an upcoming film. The second picture is the back of the name badge. The little blue brick in the front of the badge has 2080 carved into it. The number that won me the Rebel Blockade Runner. The third picture is for fun. That Nestle Quik Rabbit sure is scared. "I thought you died in Macabre Manor!"
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